Hi, I'm Kathryn

And five years ago, my life as I knew it,
completely imploded.

I was left standing in the rubble of who I thought I was supposed to be.

Let me backtrack a bit.

Before that happened, my name was Kathryn and I followed the rules.

I did everything “right”, the way I was supposed to. I went to school, I got good grades, I never got into trouble.

I toed the line, and unknowingly followed the script of what I thought I should be doing based on what everyone else said I should be doing.

So when my entire world as I knew it crumbled, I was faced with the big question of “why did this happen to me?

I did what I was supposed to do, so how is it possible that I now have nothing?

And what the hell do I do now because what I previously “knew” didn’t work?”.

Thus began a five-year journey into discovering what to do when following the rules of society don't work.

Kathryn Bisland

That's when I discovered the methods of the Subconscious Mind and the Universal Laws and everything began to change.

You see, when you unconsciously work against the methods of the Subconscious Mind and the Universal Laws, it's like trying to work against gravity. No matter how many times you jump off the roof, you are never going to fly.

But we were born to fly.

I have created a system, through my own personal trial and error, that simplifies how to easily understand and then leverage with clear and concise steps - the methods of the Subconscious Mind and the Universal Laws.

By following this process, you can create a new life full of joy, fulfillment, and abundance, on your own terms every day.

Once you understand the power of the Subconscious Mind and the Universal Laws and what each one is about, you can begin consciously working with these absolutes of life, insead of working unconsciously against them (as we have been taught for generations to do as part of societal norms).

It is my mission to bring you back to joy and empowerment by guiding you to a full understanding and embodiment of the Methods of the Subconscious Mind and the Universal Laws.

I'll teach you to...

  • Take what it is you consciously desire in and for your life, but can't seem to implement permanently in real-time.
  • And turn it into tangible, everyday habits that you embody on autopilot, propelling you forward into the life of your dreams.

Let's change the narrative of what it means to be an adult - you don’t have to settle because “that’s just how it is”.

My intention is for you to know, deep in your bones, that your desires will come true because you are fully supported by the Methods of the Subconscious Mind and the Universal Laws.

If you are here, I truly believe it is because you have been led here by your Higher Self, the Universe, God, or whomever you resonate with.

Because you are a powerful creator ready to move to your next level. And you will because you are fully supported.

There are many ways to learn here, from podcasts to printable pdfs, to various coaching options and self-paced courses.

So let’s get started…

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From Confusion to Clarity podcast

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