Learn with Me

Are you ready to change your life?

What if you could wake up each morning excited for the day ahead and certain that you are living your life as your highest and best self?

Fully confident that you are supported and in alignment with who you really are and who you really want to be?

That you are effortlessly tapping into your full power and can move through the day in flow, focusing on your personal growth and contribution?

Then you’re in the right place!

My courses have been designed, through my personal trial and error, to help understand & then embody the Universal Laws and Methods of the Subconscious Mind so you can harness their power and start experiencing the life you’ve always dreamed about now.

I am doing it everyday and so can you! It’s time to let your dreams live with confidence, knowing you are fully supported in making those dreams your reality.

The Subconscious Secret Sauce Bundle:

Conscious Intention Setting Guided Meditation, Successful Intentions Audio Subliminal & PDF, & Phone Wallpaper Affirmations Bundle

In this bundle you will get a jumpstart on aligning your Conscious and Subconscious Minds through the power of guided meditation, audio subliminals and visual affirmations.

  • In the Conscious Intention Setting Meditation, I will guide you through imagining the goal or desire that is of upmost importance to you right now so you can really see it and feel it. It will align the power of becoming clear and focused consciously, while communicating the importance of it subconsciously through the language of the subconscious: imagery and feelings. Together, we will let go of the stress and worry often associated with our culture's commitment to "making it happen" and instead replace it with the expectancy for it to happen as you know you are fully supported.
  • In the Successful Intentions Audio Subliminal, we will reaffirm your intention through backing it up with my Successful Intentions Audio Subliminal. All you have to do it download it, pop in some earbuds, and listen to it will you go about your daily household or administrative tasks. Soothing music will relax you and the underlying recorded affirmation track, while not audible to the ear, will repeat intentions and affirmations directly to the Subconscious Mind. These affirmation are dedicated to your personal success and achieving your highest potential with grace and ease and can be read daily as well via the corresponding PDF download.
  • With the Phone Wallpaper Affirmations, you'll receive three custom wallpapers for your phone, so you can put the power of visual affirmations to work for you without any effort. Simply download, choose your favorite wallpaper, then set it and forget it. Every time you unlock your phone, your eyes will absorb the messaging and further implement your commitment to success within your Subconscious Mind.

Purchase this bundle on its own or as an upgrade to compliment and of your other Kathryn Bisland Coaching Products. Ether way, you will feel immediate benefits from engaging in the three forms of communication your Subconscious Mind likes best: meditation, audio subliminals & visual affirmations. The trifecta of direct communication with your Subconscious Mind!

Take Me To The Bundle!

A 2 Video Mini Crash Course: 

What The Eff Is The Subconscious Mind & Why Should I Care?

Plus the 3 Biggest Mistakes We Make Everyday That Are Messing Up Our Superpower (and What To Do About It, Stat!)

Welcome to my 2 Video Mini Crash Course where I will give you the low down on what exactly the Subconscious Mind is and why it matters. Its a complete game changer - I know because it has completely changed my life for the better! Here's what you'll get:

  • I'll teach you the 2 main functions of the Subconscious Mind as it applies to our everyday life, PLUS I'll let you in on a third overlooked function that is the reason behind why you haven't been able to make any lasting change or progress towards your dream life
  • Dive into the 3 biggest mistakes we accidentally make daily that put us in conflict with our Subconscious Mind AND 3 tips for each mistake that you can begin implementing today to get your Subconscious Mind working for you behind the scenes. 
  • Access to a downloadable What the Eff is My Subconscious Mind All About PDF Cheat Sheet with all the key points from the day 1 video AND a What to Avoid & Embrace Instead PDF Quick Guide so you have all the info at your fingertips for easy reference.

Upon enrollment, you'll gain immediate access to your day one video (approximately 15 minutes long) and PDF Cheat sheet, and your day 2 video (approximately 35 minutes long) and PDF Quick Guide will be released the next day.

You'll also have lifetime access to this mini course, so you can watch it again and again to really familiarize yourself with the information.

My coaching style is to break down the info into easy to understand language so you really get it, without taking up too much of your time by keeping the videos under 45 minutes.

I am thrilled to be able to present this material to you at a price that is affordable but with content that has the potential to be life changing in the best of ways.

I Want The Course!

A 3-Part Interactive Email Coaching Experience: Create Custom Affirmations & a Corresponding Audio Subliminal

The power of personalized affirmations and audio subliminals is a widely underused, yet simple and highly effective method for breaking free from habitual thoughts that hold you back from making the progress you want to see in your life. The Subconscious Mind is wired to seek out more of what is important to us, so what we think repeatedly matters to our quality of life. Why leave this to chance? Let’s work together to create empowering affirmations specific to the area in your life you most want to improve now and get the Subconscious Mind on board with your conscious desires.

  • Learn how to leverage your thoughts about what hasn’t been working for you in one particular area of your life to identify new updated thoughts that serve your vision for the future. Giving you the focus and clarity necessary to make lasting change.
  • Actively replace outdated programming and thoughts that loop in your subconscious mind (without you even being aware of it) through your custom daily affirmation PDF, full of support on how to best implement them into your daily life to maximize their integration. So you can incorporate them into your daily routine, tapping into the power of repetition.
  • Feel confident in knowing that your personalized audio subliminal will enhance your mission to clear out the clutter of limiting thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you; your custom affirmations are placed behind relaxing music at a volume your ear can’t hear but your subconscious mind will pick up on. All you have to do is listen to it in the background while you carry out your normal daily activities.
  • Master the subtle art of aligning your conscious desires with the Subconscious Mind through identifying the things you’ve been unconsciously thinking, and replace them with thoughts that are relevant and what matters most to you now. So you can finally move forward on improving your life with ease, knowing your subconscious mind is supporting you!
Join The Experience

In our [session], Kathryn asked certain questions and was able to guide me through things that made me feel stuck before...[she] left me feeling very hopeful and gave me a useful technique of how to reassess the things in my life which need clarity.


1 Week Mini Course: Reveal Hidden Truths & Uplevel Your Habits

Dive into seven of the most powerful methods the subconscious mind uses behind the scenes to co-create your life with you (or against you), transforming self-sabotage into attainable alignment between your conscious desires and your hidden beliefs.

When you have clear intentions on your goals and desires but still feel like you can’t make lasting change, as if you take one step forward and two steps back, this is often down to conflicting beliefs between your conscious and subconscious mind. No matter how much you want something consciously, if your subconscious beliefs don’t match up, you will encounter struggle and setbacks.

So what can we do and how the heck do we ever make progress on our dreams? The Seven Day Subconscious Hack Challenge is the perfect starting point for anyone who is sick and tired of feeling stuck. In this challenge, I will take you through my seven favourite methods that the subconscious mind operates by so you can start to work with these powerful methods, replace outdated programming with new empowering beliefs, and jumpstart your momentum towards the success you’ve been dreaming of.

It’s time to empower yourself through aligning your conscious and subconscious minds, so they work together to support you and your dreams!

  • Immerse yourself in how the subconscious mind functions, unveiling hidden truths about what’s been keeping you stuck.
    • And take back control by leveraging its power, so you know what to do and when to do it.
  • Uplevel your habits so they are in line with what you consciously want to achieve in your life right now.
    • Rather than relying on outdated programming and beliefs that no longer serve who you are now.
  • Overcome overwhelm by tapping into the subconscious mind for support through a proven and simple systemized blueprint.
    • So you can feel certain that your desired results are attainable as your conscious and subconscious mind are in alignment.
  • Confidently move forward in creating the positive progress in your life that you dream about.
    • Feeling secure that you have the knowledge and the tools to boost your success through working in harmony with your subconscious mind to achieve real results.
Start the Challenge

The exercises we did helped bring some clarity of my purpose and desires that are often hard to pinpoint on your own. Kathryn has been an amazing life coach and I value the time we spent together and highly recommend her.


10 Week Exclusive Mentorship: Understand & Leverage the Subconscious Mind Methods

Ready to dive deep and empower yourself, tapping into the ultimate alignment between your conscious desires and the power of your subconscious mind across the board, so you can release struggle and finally live in ultimate flow?

This is my most comprehensive course, dedicated to clarifying and simplifying all of the methods of the subconscious mind and providing you with the tools to embody the principles that I use myself, to finally harness its power and experience massive momentum into the personal success youā€™ve always dreamed of! This course is the complete deep dive into all the methods that the Subconscious Mind operates by, so you can see clearly where you have been stuck and immediately take simple action to break the habitual patterns that have been holding you back from making the progress in your life that you deserve.

Once you understand these methods, you will have incredible confidence to make the changes you have been dreaming of, knowing that your subconscious mind will now fully support you (and be working behind the scenes for you) as you magnify your forward momentum into your next level.

  • Discover how the subconscious mind actually works and finally use it to your benefit.
    • Breathing a huge sigh of relief, finally understanding why you have been stuck!
  • Overcome overwhelm on how to move forward leveraging these methods with clear, simple exercises that I use myself
    • So you can tap into support from the subconscious mind that works on autopilot for you.
  • Uplevel the quality of your habits so they propel you forward to the life of your dreams.
    • And mobilize your positive momentum, certain that your conscious desires and unconscious beliefs are finally in alignment.
  • Transform your perceptions about what is possible for you in this lifetime, no matter your age.
    • Enhancing the joy and excitement you feel each day knowing that life is happening for you with you firmly in the driver's seat.
Enroll in The January 2024 Exclusive Mentorship Here!

Kathryn is positive, enthusiastic and encouraging and created a safe, welcoming environment. She was open minded and easy to talk to. My favourite part of working with Kathryn was her acceptance and open-mindedness. I would highly recommend Kathryn to anyone looking for help and would definitely work with her again."


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