Kathryn Bisland Coaching

Through understanding we empower ourselves

And we shift the blame and shame of settling for a life that’s less than what we really want and deserve.

Work with Me

Does any of the following sound familiar?

You find yourself rushing from responsibility to responsibility, 

Each day monopolized by the “I have to’s”,

The “I just need to’s”,

The “I should’s”?

Feeling exhausted from spending all your time on the things that “need to be done”, yet don’t bring you any joy?

And no matter how much you accomplish they keep piling up again with each new day?

Or do you ever feel frustrated?

You followed all the “rules”; you went to school, you got the job, you found your person, you had the beautiful kids (or not),

Yet you still have an underlying sense of unhappiness or loneliness or defeatedness because even though you did everything right, you still don’t feel whole?

And do you ever have that feeling deep down that something might be missing?

Or get those little nudges whispering to you,

Telling you there could be something more for you and your life,

More fulfilment, more contentment, more peace, more abundance?

But just as quickly as they come up, they are silenced because there is no point in thinking about that and “that’s just how life is”?

Well, what if I told you life doesn’t have to just be like that?

My name is Kathryn Bisland and I’m a mom, a clarity coach, and someone who has been where you are, facing the same struggles...

...until I stumbled upon a simple, yet rarely talked about, way out of the overwhelm.

A way out of feeling like no matter what you do, you will never get ahead.

And it is my passion in life to share this with as many people as possible so that together we can break the unconscious habits and interrupt the hidden patterns that keep us stuck and feeling unfulfilled with life.

After becoming aware of, immersing myself in, and creating simple daily practices that I use myself to leverage the methods of the subconscious mind and universal laws, I have developed a simple yet effective blueprint and actionable tools to assist you by aligning your conscious desires with your subconscious habits and tapping into the abundant support of the universal laws - 

To finally break free from feeling powerless over creating the life of your dreams!

I want to get ahead!

Does this resonate with you?

If it does, you’re in the right place and I welcome you and I am so excited for you!

Because you are ready to empower yourself, and that is a magical moment to finally be ready to embody.

Once we tap into that we will find fulfillment, flow, and certainty. 

I truly believe the purpose of life is to remember who we really are and who we really want to be.

And that is what you will find here, the tools, the information, the support you need to learn about, understand, and then initiate real lasting change in your life.

It is my honour for you to allow me to guide you through the workings of your conscious and subconscious mind and through The Universal Laws as a means to help move to the next level in your life.

So life becomes fresh, purposeful, exciting, and abundant again.

As we move together from confusion to clarity.

The From Confusion to Clarity Podcast

Get weekly tips on how you can stop stressing and start living your most authentic life.

Listen to the Podcast